Tax identity theft is when someone uses your Social Security number to steal your tax refund or for work. People often discover tax identity theft when they file their tax returns. Use these tips to protect yourself this tax season and beyond:

  1. Protect documents with sensitive information.
    Safeguard all tax records, Social Security cards, and other financial documents in a safe place. Shred and destroy all financial records when you dispose of them.
  2. Protect your information online and on your phone.
    If you prepare your own tax return online, be sure to use multi-factor authentication (two or more credentials to log in) to help safeguard your personal information.
  3. Beware of IRS impersonation scams.
    Be wary of emails, phone calls or text messages that claim to be from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If you are concerned that there is something wrong with your tax return, contact the IRS directly at a phone number you know and trust. Report any tax-related phishing attempts to [email protected].

Remember, trusted financial professionals, including your bank, will not ask you for information that they already know about you. When it comes to protecting your identity, don’t trust the phone numbers, emails or links provided by criminals; contact the people and companies you know and trust at a trusted phone number first.