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Beware of scams

Scam Alert
Scam Alert: Criminals Don't Take a Holiday

Beware of scams asking for cash to "help" a loved one this holiday season. Don't fall for criminals asking you to claim a prize, help a child or grandchild who has been in an accident or is in jail, or gain your inheritance from a long, lost relative. Unfortunately,...

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Beware of scams, Consumer Tips, Fraud detection, Holiday spending, identity theft, prevent fraud, Security, Voice Scams

Banks Never Ask That: Can you spot a phishing scam?
Banks Never Ask That: Can you spot a phishing scam?

Every day, thousands of people fall victim to fraudulent emails, texts and calls from scammers pretending to be their bank. And in this time of expanded use of online and mobile banking, the problem is only growing worse. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission's...

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#BanksNeverAskThat, Beware of scams, Consumer Tips, prevent fraud, Security

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